Récrutements consultants



Le projet ECOTER (projet d’appui au développement Économique et Écologique des Territoires Ruraux en Côte d’Ivoire )basé à MAN  recherche un expert suivi-évaluation, pour un poste longue durée, à plein temps, .

Cet expert doit être disponible au plus tôt et le profil est le suivant : 10 ans d’expérience générale, dont 5 ans minimum en suivi-évaluation de projets financés par des bailleurs internationaux (idéalement UE et / ou AFD).

Le salaire est motivant.

Prière envoyer votre motivation à Nathalie HAMEL à l’adresse ci-dessous en mettant en copie (secretariat.rise@gmail.com)

Nathalie HAMEL, Ingénieur Projets – Project Engineer

((33) 4 66 87 50 10 – (33) 6 76 22 37 75

BRL Ingénierie1105, avenue Pierre Mendès France – BP 94001 – 30001 Nîmes Cedex 05  – France
Retrouvez toutes nos informations sur :http://brli.brl.fr



Avis de recrutement d’un expert analyste de la santé

The German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval) is looking for a “Sector and country expert for an analysis of the health sector in Côte d’Ivoire“(07.07.2020 until 15.09.2020)


Between September 2017 and December 2018, DEval developed an instrument for conducting country portfolio reviews (CPRs) for German bilateral development cooperation. CPRs address overarching issues at the level of the overall portfolio and provide an independent and sound information base for strategy formation. Against this background, DEval launched the project “Country Portfolio Reviews in the Context of SDG” in January 2020. The CPR Côte d’Ivoire is being implemented as part of the above-mentioned project.


The consultant shall perform the following tasks:

As part of the CPR the DEval team will conduct a more detailed analysis of at least one of the priority areas of German Development Cooperation (GDC) in CIV. In this context, the health sector with focus on family planning and family planning and maternal and reproductive health is of particular interest. The consultant will support the DEval team in preparing the sector analysis, reviewing and analysis of secondary and primary data and developing and discussing methodological issues, findings and conclusions. Tasks include the preparation of a document focusing on questions on family planning and maternal and reproductive health in CIV, the preparation, implementation and documentation of qualitative interviews with relevant stakeholders in Abidjan / Côte d’Ivoire and translations.


The consultant needs to demonstrate the following competencies and experiences:

–      University degree (Bachelor degree or equivalent),

–      At least 10 years of living and/or professional experience in Côte d’Ivoire,

–      A minimum of 5 years of professional experience in the health sector in Côte d’Ivoire

–      Experience with a minimum of 2 different development partners and/or public institution and/or non-governmental organization (NGO) and /or private sector in the health sector in CIV,,

–      Professional experience or research with regard to maternal and reproductive health

–      Professional experience in qualitative data collection and documentation, incl. conducting semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions proved by past experience,

–      Excellent knowledge of French and English and/or German (written and oral), knowledge of local languages is an advantage.

The implementation of the abovementioned tasks shall take place between 07 July 2020 (or the next possible date) and 15 September 2020. In total, up to 9 working days are planned.


Interested candidates are invited to ask for the tendering documents via email to tendering.eval1@deval.org  We will send yout the relevant documents immediately.


Deadline for submission of tenders is 22nd of June 2020 11:59 p.m. CET (midnight).


Recrutement de consultants nationaux au PNUD

  • Recrutement d’un consultant national pour appuyer la révision des curricula de formation de l’INFJ
  • Recrutement de consultant national pour l’Appui à l’Harmonisation du Traitement Statistique des Données de la Chaîne Pénale
  • Recrutement de consultant national chargé de la revue de la stratégie nationale de cohésion sociale 2016-2020 y compris le plan de réparation communautaire 2017-2020 
  • Recrutement d’un consultant national d’appui à l’élaboration d’un plan national de promotion et de protection des droits de l’homme

Dateline  mercredi 10 juin 2020.


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